How to set up an after-deadline action

You can enable an after-deadline action for your main offer to take one of the following three actions when someone visits your offer and their deadline is expired:

  • Redirect to a different offer (i.e. a higher-priced offer)
  • Redirect to an external URL (i.e. a wait list or expired page)
  • Remove the bonuses from the current offer

If you have a deadline enabled for your main offer but you do not have an after-deadline action enabled, then the only thing that will change after the deadline expires is the timer will be hidden on the page.

Go to the OfferStack tab of the offer editor and go to After Deadline.

You can choose one of the following after-deadline actions for your offer:

  • Redirect to a different offer (i.e. a higher-priced offer)
  • Redirect to an external URL (i.e. a wait list or expired page)
  • Remove the bonuses from the current offer

Click Save and your settings will be live. You can verify this by the 'Live' label next to After Deadline or the 'On' toggle.



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