Integrate Google Tag Manager and Voma

Voma gives you an easy way to add GTM to all of your Voma payment pages.


Automatically sends the following key events to GTM Data Layer as someone is interacting with your payment page:

  1. When a user visits a payment page - begin_checkout
  2. When a user types in a valid email address - voma_lead
  3. When a user adds an order bump to the cart - add_to_cart
  4. When a user removes an order bump from their cart - remove_from_cart
  5. When a user makes a purchase (main product, main product + order bump, and/or upsell) - purchase

How to integrate with Google Tag Manager

Open one of your Voma Payment pages in your browser and copy the page URL:

Now log in to your Google Tag Manager account and create a new container:

Name your container, select Web and then click Create:

Make sure to Submit and then Publish the new container:

Now go ahead and copy the Container ID that you want to integrate with Voma:

Head to your Voma account, select Integrations from the sidebar and then select New Integration:

Click Google Tag Manager:

Now add the container ID that you just copied into the GTM ID field and click Add:

Once you have integrated with Google Tag Manager, you will see the integration on the Integrations page:

What you'll see in Google Tag Assistant

You can follow this link to open Google Tag Assistant

1. When a user visits a payment page - begin_checkout

2. When a user types in a valid email address - voma_lead

3. When a user adds an order bump to the cart - add_to_cart

4. When a user removes an order bump from their cart - remove_from_cart

5. When a user makes a purchase (main product, main product + order bump, and/or upsell) - purchase


If you have any questions, please let us know at or in our live chat at the bottom right of your screen.